Quote Comparison and Award Reports

On the Quote Comparison & Award form, you can see the inclusions and exclusions related to all cost items in the job that have quote groups assigned to them, as described in the Special Terms & Conditions.


Scope sheets can be seen in two reports:

  • Quote Record report
  • Compare & Award report

Step by Step — Reports

  1. From the Ribbon, click on the Quote tab. Select the Reports option. The Quote Record Report window appears.

  2. Under the Quotes drop down, select Quote Record. Select the Details tab. Check the box next to Include Terms and Conditions. Once you are done, click Run.

  3. Notice how the scope sheet is shown in the report.

  4. Under the Quotes report drop down, select Compare and Award. Select the Details tab. Check the box next to Include Scope Sheet. Once you are done, click Run.

  5. Notice how the scope sheet is shown in the report.

Minority Setup Types

Imagine you are a lead estimator and the job up for bid requires 15% minority participation or good faith efforts. You will want to track this within the estimate to ensure that you are meeting this requirement before executing the bid.

Minority Setup Types can be customized under the System tab and clicking on Customize.

You can then select Minority setup under Titles and customize the minority names.

You can select Minority setup under Colors and customized various minority types to help identify them easily.

This enables you to recognize the Minority type of a vendor in registers such as Quote Comparison and Award just by sight.

You can select a Minority Business Enterprise to assign to the vendor by clicking on the Minority tab the Quote Record.

You can run a Minority Participation report to easily see the progress towards meeting the minority participation goals for a project.

Quote Comparison and Award Substitute Rankings

To compare quotes from different vendors where not all items are quoted, you can substitute values using the lowest Awarded Splittable Quote for items rather than the un-awarded plug value. This offers a more accurate comparison.